Saturday, October 30, 2010

Family Pictures

We did it. Getting family pictures is never easy on ANYONE. I stress over what everyone will wear, and whether everyone's shirts/sweaters are pulled down and hanging nicely (failed a little this time). Mike hates getting his picture taken PERIOD(but he cooperatedbeautifully). The kids-- well they just hate sitting still for that long. But we all survived. Now the trick is figuring out which one to hang up-- and which one's to give to Grandparents for Christmas. I included quite a few-- the good--the bad-- and the not so bad. You'll notice who(Collin) gave us the hardest time(little bugger)


SummerV said...

LOVE the dark hair. You look great, and not just your look amazing you hot little momma. Such cute pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sly said...

What great family pictures!! You all look so happy and it is the perfect grandparent gift!! How do you keep getting more beautiful? So glad you got to spend time with my favorite people from Michigan recently. That made me smile!! Hope to see you all during the holidays!!

Bree said...

Did you go back dark or is it weaved really fine, cute whatever it is. You look gorgeous as always, love the yellow shoes. There are so many cute ones, and Collin kills me at least he was being funny bad instead of the usual crying bad... I love love love them. Purple must be the new pictures color cause we are doing family pictures if we go home for Christmas and we are doing jeans,black, white, gray, and purple.

Sara said...

these are all so gorgeous!!! you look so great, i'm jealous!
love your outfits and all the shots :)

the shot of samantha feeding owen some snacks just cracked me up, too :)

Marissa said...

Amberlee these are so cute! I hope I look as beautiful and skinny as you after I have three kids! Also, we need a copy of one of these for our wall.

Jena said...

Those are so perfect! What a good lookin' family. I love family pictures.

Julie said...

Um can you say Gorgeous!!! Yep I just did! You all look amazing and these pictures are so beautiful. Miss you Amberlee and hope you are doing great!!!

Bree said...

So I just noticed... Why does Owen have on one shoe in all the pictures. ha ha ha At first I thought it was just one picture, is the other foot just to fat for a shoe! hee hee

Alisa said...

So beautiful! What a blessing!

Amy Jenks said...

What great pictures!!! You guys all look perfect in all of them!

Tiffany said...

Love the pictures! You guys look great! Love the outfits too! :)