This was a conversation I had with Samantha a few days ago-
S:"Mom! look! I can see the baby's nose!" (poking at my protruding bellybutton)
Me: "Oh no Samantha, it's just mom's bellybutton."(note, the poking out bellybutton is on my short list of things I dislike most about pregnancy)
S: (with much relief)"Oh good, because it kind of looks like a pigs nose"
yep. sweet.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My sanity on 3 wheels
So I have come to the conclusion that I have gotten lazier/wussier with this third baby. With both Samantha and Collin I would get up at 6:15/5 days a week and exercise. But now I am lucky to get up when Collin calls out to get out of his crib at around 7. The problem with not getting up before the kids to exercise is that I can't get through a workout without being interupted more than once. For my sanity and because I know that it is good for myself and for the baby- I can't just give up my work outs. So in talking with Mike we came up with a solution......
Tah Dah! A bike trailer/jogger. No I don't own a bike-(I can't tell you the last time I was on a bike) but this works GREAT for the two kids- two kids who are older-and one who won't fit in a typical jogging stroller. Luckily with my recent birthday I was able to use that money for it!
So each morning right after Mike leaves for the clinic- we load up and take off! Our neighborhood is perfect for walking- especially because there are so many others out walking/running/biking it feels safe.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thanks again Sara!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Collin's Birthday...better late than never
I feel bad that Collin had such a rushed- "boxed in" birthday. But like most kids- if there is cake and presents- then they are set! I asked Collin was he wanted on his cake- and no surprise- he said "Tar Warts"! Well Walmart didn't have a Star Wars cake so we improvised!
Week of activities....
This past week we had a pretty fun time. We went to an outdoor activity with some friends. The kids went "creeking" in the Olantangy river- it was beautiful, the only thing missing were the mountains surrounding us. The kids were suppose to be looking for crawdads (sp?)- but not our kids :) Samantha was caught up looking for shells, and Collin was just bent on getting completely wet.

Every Wednesday our ward has a "Park n Play Picnic" they choose a different park in either Dublin or Hilliard each week . The kids have a blast and I've had a chance to meet and get to know the girls better.
On another day, to keep the kids entertained, we went to Hobby Lobby (yeah) and picked out some paints, brushes and a poster board for each. We came home and they went to work!

This last shot is a result of Collin "hiding" because he didn't want to take a nap! I usually give his a few warnings that it is almost time for sleep- on my last warning- he ran off into the toy room. I gave him a few minutes- and I went looking for him- and found this!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Backyard animal mystery......SOLVED!
So I was talking with some girls today and I was telling them about our new "pet". As soon as I described it they knew what it was...... It looks like come Feb 2nd we will have our own Punxsutawney Phil telling us whether or not there will be 6 more weeks of winter. Yup a groundhog, super random and something I totally did not see coming but I guess they are super common to the area. You learn something new everyday!
Oh and I thought the snout/nose was longer- I guess I remembered it a tad uglier than in reality. The second I saw the pictures on the Internet- it confirmed what my friends told me- we have a groundhog!
Friday, July 3, 2009
New Place, New Adventures
So we are ALMOST settled- just a few more things to finish and decide where to put. whew- moving is no fun. But, wow we could not have done it without family. (well we could have but it would had been awful and taken us three times as long) When we moved to Missouri, Mike's dad made the trek with Mike and the truck and unloaded everything before the kids and I got there. This time around my family (mom,dad,Steph and Cassie) came out to help.
It seems like alot went on the last couple weeks of June- so to save time I'll just highlight them......(and maybe if I can get my act together- I'll add pictures later)
-Mike took both the COMPLEX and USMLE (Board exams for DO and MD) Yeah!
-Father's Day (luckily my family made it just in time to be together for Father's Day)
-Collin turned 2- wanted a Stars Wars (Tar Warts) cake
-Packed the truck in 100 weather-(with humidity felt like 106)
-Drove 9 hours to our new home
-Unpacked the truck in only an hour- with the help of some ward members (hands down- one the friendliest ward I've been in- love it)
-I turned 30
-spent a few days unpacking boxes and decorating (thanks to my moms great taste and advice)
-went shopping at a great outlet mall- to help celebrate Cassie's 17th birthday (sorry Beaner that you had to celebrate your birthday out here)
-had what is now my favorite icecream- 2 0r 3 times Black Raspberry Chip
-celebrated my dad's birthday (not the best birthday- being sick and all)
So far I really like Dublin- seriously ANY store or restaurant that I could ever need or want is within 3 miles or less from our house (that is including a mall). I really like our house- although I could do without the animal that is living under our deck (unsure of what the animal is- size of a cat-is brown and has kind of a long nose-ugly) hoping to take care of it soon.
Whether we only live here for 2 years or longer (for residency) I have a feeling that we will continue to love Ohio- this is only the beginning!
I do miss Kirksville- or atleast the people who made the last 2 years so special. I will never forget my experiences there- and how they helped my to grow.
Thanks again Mom-Dad, Steph and Cassie- the quilts were not even close to repaying you guys for spending your vacation helping us. I miss you already- Love you-
It seems like alot went on the last couple weeks of June- so to save time I'll just highlight them......(and maybe if I can get my act together- I'll add pictures later)
-Mike took both the COMPLEX and USMLE (Board exams for DO and MD) Yeah!
-Father's Day (luckily my family made it just in time to be together for Father's Day)
-Collin turned 2- wanted a Stars Wars (Tar Warts) cake
-Packed the truck in 100 weather-(with humidity felt like 106)
-Drove 9 hours to our new home
-Unpacked the truck in only an hour- with the help of some ward members (hands down- one the friendliest ward I've been in- love it)
-I turned 30
-spent a few days unpacking boxes and decorating (thanks to my moms great taste and advice)
-went shopping at a great outlet mall- to help celebrate Cassie's 17th birthday (sorry Beaner that you had to celebrate your birthday out here)
-had what is now my favorite icecream- 2 0r 3 times Black Raspberry Chip
-celebrated my dad's birthday (not the best birthday- being sick and all)
So far I really like Dublin- seriously ANY store or restaurant that I could ever need or want is within 3 miles or less from our house (that is including a mall). I really like our house- although I could do without the animal that is living under our deck (unsure of what the animal is- size of a cat-is brown and has kind of a long nose-ugly) hoping to take care of it soon.
Whether we only live here for 2 years or longer (for residency) I have a feeling that we will continue to love Ohio- this is only the beginning!
I do miss Kirksville- or atleast the people who made the last 2 years so special. I will never forget my experiences there- and how they helped my to grow.
Thanks again Mom-Dad, Steph and Cassie- the quilts were not even close to repaying you guys for spending your vacation helping us. I miss you already- Love you-
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