Last night I threw out my back and I woke up in a lot of pain. So my sweet husband came home between his finals to work on my back. He brought home a table so that he could do it properly. Well as soon as he started Samantha left and the room and quickyly returned with all of her doctoring tools (I'm sure that is not the correct terminology)! She started taking my blood pressure, my temprature, listening to my heart and of course checking my reflexes! She has the biggest heart and was so concerned for me! After she "helped" me she wanted to check out Mike- whose blood pressure we were told was 248! She also wanted to look the part- so she got dressed in her doctor gear and sunday shoes! There's no one quite like our little Samantha. While I am on the subject of her- there is something about the letter B. I'm not quite sure where it came from but she has started adding the letter to a few of her words. For example we have been listening to the soundtrack of "B-chanted" watching the movie "B-laddin" and last night during her bath- she wanted to lay back and asked for something to put over her eyes so she could "B-elax" Some days I just don't know what I am going to do with her!
That is so sweet. I hope you get feeling better soon. If there's anything I can do from here, let me know! Love ya
How cute is that? I had a bad cold last week and every morning I'd wake up elle would get the biggest smile on her face and yell, "MOM are you better?!" Little girls are so sweet. That B thing is cute too. Does she know that's your name? Maybe she's just saying "mom" before everything:) I'm sorry about your back. How's it feeling now?
She is sweet just like her mother. What a cutie!!! I love the fact that she has Doctor stuff!
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