Monday, March 10, 2008


Collin has said his first word! So maybe it's not a real word- but he loves to say it! He actually started with just saying "Ga" and he said that for a couple weeks- then he moved onto the "K" sound- "ka". He now has put both sounds together- and you have GUK! It's the cutest thing- he says it as though you totally know what he is saying. Collin is just the sweetest little guy. Definitely a momma's boy (makes sense since for the most part I am all he has!) He loves to giggle- and loves to just watch Samantha (who has no problem performing) It has been so fun to watch as he has developed and grown so quickly. He is not crawling yet- it seems that body mass is the issue! Although he is a pretty strong guy- he holds himself in the push-up (on tip-toes) for awhile. He just can't seem to move forward! One of these days!


Josie said...

How funny! You'll always remember his first little word. Guk. I love that he is saying it over and over so that you really can tell what he's saying and he really thinks he's saying something. Better get that on camera!

Anonymous said...

First words are always exciting! He's growing up too fast!

kristi and family said...

Amberlee... Hi.. I love reading your BLOG, your little family is so CUTE.. Collin looks like a sweetheart... I hope I get to meet him this summer... Are you coming back for some if it??

Mindy said...

He is sooo darling. I love seeing you this January at the mall. Cute pictures on your blog. Take care!