Sunday, November 20, 2011


These past 2 weeks have been a difficult time for the Taylor family. In just one short week we've had our 18mo old niece diagnosed with Leukemia and our brand new nephew end up in the ICU with severe problems with his lungs.
Living away from family is always hard- but it especially is when things like this happen. You want to help-- you want to do so much- but the miles apart make that impossible. Thankfully there is one thing that we can do-- and that is pray. I am SO grateful for the knowledge of prayer. I am so grateful to know that when I pray, there is a loving Heavenly Father listening. I know that our prayers are answered-- and answered accordingly to the will of the Lord. I am grateful that our prayers offered on behalf of our family members are felt by them hundreds of miles away.
Thankfully things are looking up. It's still a long road for both families-- but things are going in the right direction. Sadie's prognosis is a good one. She has been diagnosed with a highly curable form of Leukemia. She has been responding well to her treatments. The doctors are hoping/expecting that if her little body responds to the 28 day cycle of chemo and other treatments- the cancer will be gone. 

Zach is slowly being weened from the medications he is on as well as the amount of oxygen he is on. He recently had his chest tube removed and he is on a less intense ventilator- which is good news. They are hoping that if he continues to do well-- tomorrow his mom will be able to hold him again-- which she hasn't since the morning after he was born (over a week ago). And then hopefully he will remain stable enough to be moved to the CT scanner-- so that they can get a better look at his left lung to see what is causing the problem.

Mike has some pretty incredible sisters(and families)- wonderful mothers with amazing faith. They are an inspiration to me and I am so grateful for their examples. 
So- yes- we haven't been able to physically help- but we have been able to pray for them-- and that is just as important and perhaps even more effective. I know prayer is strong and it is real.  


Bree said...

What a great post, you made me cry.... Speaking of amazing sister-in-laws I can say from experience they didn't get the short end of the stick either!

Amy Jenks said...

I'm so sorry things have been rough! It's so hard to be away from family. We'll be praying for you and your family!

Maren said...

I'm glad things are looking up for them. I know how it can be hard to be away from family right now. We'll be praying for all of you!

Josie said...

You are an amazing girl b. The taylors are so lucky to have you in their family. I'll keep them in my prayers too. So grateful for the gospel!

Taryn said...

Amberlee! I am so sorry about the tough things going on in your family right now! You are a strong, strong woman and I know that your example of faith will be such a help to those you love who are struggling right now. Great job on your race, and that memory you shared was so sweet. Msde me tear up for sure! We miss you guys! Happy Thanksgiving!

Angela and Dave said...

I agree with Jonathan and Bree, we did not get the short end of the stick! You are amazing Amberlee and we are so grateful for prayers from faithful and worthy family members like you. We love you!

Jena said...

Ugh! Those things are so difficult. What a gift faith and prayer are. love you!