Friday, January 29, 2010

A Mother's Love

I can remember a time when I was in elementary (maybe 7-8 years old) I had a friend who at the time was being teased by a group of kids. I remember having a really hard time because it made me so sad that they were being so cruel. One night we were in our kitchen and I was talking to my mom about it. She began to cry as she talked to me about always sticking up for others and standing strong in what I knew was right.
-I think that the reason why this experience has stuck with me all this time, wasn't really because of what she said- but that because I was so confused as to why she too was crying. I remember asking why she was upset- and her response was- that as a mother when her children hurt- she hurt too. I of course didn't truly understand why, until I too became a mother.
I continue to be amazed at the hearts ability to expand and grow with every new addition. When I was first pregnant with Collin I remember feeling guilt because I wondered how in the world I would ever love another child like I did Samantha?- And yet I learned soon enough that it was more than possible. Now with number 3 my heart has grown yet again.
Watching my kids grow I too hurt when they hurt- I feel happiness as I see their joy- my heart is no longer just my own. I am so grateful to be a mom- and especially to be a mom to the 3 little scraggle muffins in my life.

"Making the decision to have a child- it's momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go
walking around outside your body"
-Elizabeth Stone

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome Home "WEEDO BEBE OWEN"

After Owen was born and everything with both he and I looked good, my doctor told me that if I wanted to I could go home the next day. I was happy with this news, I am not a big fan of staying in the hospital, plus I have never been away from my kids over night- so I just really wanted to be home.
I wasn't sure of how Collin would react to Owen. I knew he loved babies- but I didn't know if he would love a little baby who never went home! Plus up until I had Owen, Collin was convinced that HE was the one having the baby- not me- so who really knew what was going on in his cute little head.
The welcome home- of course brought tears to my eyes (doesn't take much these days). The kids were SO excited- and it was just nice to be home. (plus my mom made the best dinner- I am NOT a fan of hospital food- so I was so ready for her cooking)

3 weeks later, and the scene in this picture hasn't changed. The kids are ALWAYS wanting to be right where Owen can see them.

From the beginning, we had to teach Collin that he had to touch "softly"(he had a lot of love to share)-especially when he wanted to touch his head. This picture made us laugh because it looks like Collin is giving Owen a blessing

We were lucky enough to have not only my mom here with us, but also Steph, and for a couple of days my brother Cameron came too.(thanks to Dad and Cassie for holding down things at home) It was so great to have them around. Being away from family has taught me to appreciate them even more- I come from an amazing family.
My mom and Steph are seriously two of my best friends. I love to be with them and just be able to talk and laugh. We have such a good time together. I am so grateful for the time they spent here and for all that they did to help. My mom is an incredible person, someone who I look up to and I feel so blessed to have her as my mom. Literally, as each day passes, I get further and further in debt to her. She does so much for me and for my family.
We couldn't have done it without you!- thank you!

*Explanation for the title- This is what Collin calls Owen- it's always either "Weedo Bebe Owen" or just "Bebe Owen"- never just Owen

Friday, January 15, 2010


This Christmas was different--good but different. It was strange not to be in Utah with our family- but it was also really nice to just be home together and not worry about travel etc.
I also think that having Steph with us really helped. (I mentioned before that my parents flew her out early- because it looked like Owen wanted to come early.)

Here are some highlights and pics.....

Christmas Eve
-Yummy Roast dinner
-decorating gingerbread houses- it was suppose to be boys against girls- but the both kids ended up changing teams several times
-frosting cookies for Santa
-putting out the key for Santa
-talking about the first Christmas and the importance of always remembering our Savior

Christmas Day
-Watching the kids enjoying their presents
-talking with our families
-Christmas dinner with friends

Christmas Eve nap with Aunt Steph

The completely AWESOME houses

Thanks Papa and Gra for the Ramona book on CD!
(and for the cute jammies)

Thanks Papa and Nama for the Buzz jammies and
Skippy John Jones book on CD!

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for the fishing poles!
Can't wait to go fishing with Grandpa in April!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Miggie Do

I have a friend- Jena- she is actually a member of our Missouri family. She has an amazing mind- and creativity that continually amazes me. It seems like there is nothing this girl can't do. Often times- to make myself feel better- I'll tell myself that "Jena just has been given more hours in a day than the rest of us"- and that's how she does all that she does. She's a master knitter- (she and her mom are AMAZING) she is an incredible artist and she just has a way of doing things that blow me away.
With much "prodding" from those who have seen what she can do-I am so excited to say that she has now opened an etsy shoppe!

Just to give you a heads up- she is offering giveaways on her blog. Each week she is adding something new to her shoppe- along with doing a giveaway of that new item!

I am so happy for her and her new shoppe and I have no doubt that she will be successful!

See for yourself!