-I think that the reason why this experience has stuck with me all this time, wasn't really because of what she said- but that because I was so confused as to why she too was crying. I remember asking why she was upset- and her response was- that as a mother when her children hurt- she hurt too. I of course didn't truly understand why, until I too became a mother.
I continue to be amazed at the hearts ability to expand and grow with every new addition. When I was first pregnant with Collin I remember feeling guilt because I wondered how in the world I would ever love another child like I did Samantha?- And yet I learned soon enough that it was more than possible. Now with number 3 my heart has grown yet again.
Watching my kids grow I too hurt when they hurt- I feel happiness as I see their joy- my heart is no longer just my own. I am so grateful to be a mom- and especially to be a mom to the 3 little scraggle muffins in my life.
"Making the decision to have a child- it's momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go
walking around outside your body"
-Elizabeth Stone