Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

The last couple of nights has been full of nothing but candy! It is going to take weeks for the sugar in my kids systems to leave! Thursday night was our ward Trunk-Or-Treat- the kids had a blast with the games (cake, walk, making a spider-web, popping balloons, face painting and fishing) and all the action beforehand. Collin was totally freaked out by all the costumes- it took awhile for him to let Mike put him down- and even then it was only for the cakewalk.

Samantha in all her glory- she was Sleeping Beauty- and of course the thing that she was most excited for was that Sleeping Beauty wore her hair down!
This has to be the cutest little doctor around- Dr. Q.T Patootie reporting for surgery!
We did the cake for awhile- Samantha ended up winning 3 times and Collin won once......
Caught- red handed! He couldn't wait to dig into the goods!

Making a spider web with Cinderella, a cute little witch, the Hulk and I think Darth Vador?

After the kids were done with their trunk-or-treating they wanted to finish passing out the candy.

For Halloween night at dinner we had worms and bones (also known as Lemon Spaghetti and breadsticks in the shape of bones) We then went to the Perry's and Flanagan's neighborhood and went to a few houses on their street- heaven knows that they really didn't need anymore candy.
Brooklyn and Makena , Samanatha (looking a bit worn out) Ella and Rylee and Johnny (Bryce (Batman) was with a dog and Molly (Super-girl) was asleep in her mom's arms) All 4 siblings were super hero's- so cute! my favorite part of the night was little Rylee running down the street- fist in the air and cape flying behind her!
Mike with most of the kids

Finally at the last house Collin decided that it was safe enough to get down! ( he got super freaked out by Spiderman)

"Hey mom! this trick-or treating is great!"


Tasha said...

We're so glad you came & trick or treated with us!

SummerV said...

I love the doctor costume, what a little cutie! Those blue eyes kill me. Samantha's hair is absolutely beautiful..she got that Stevens girl thick pretty hair, lucky girl. Looks like you guys had a great time.

Heidi said...

So cute!