Monday, September 8, 2008


Three JOYS:

1- Sundays with no Monday tests
(explanation- Mike doesn't study on Sundays- so if there is a Monday test- he will go to bed early on Sunday night and wake up super early- like 3 or 4 am to get to school to prepare for the test that morning)

2-Cuddling with Samantha- Samantha didn't cuddle a lot when she was younger- but she likes it now- so it's great when she wants to cuddle and watch a show with me!

3-Hugs from Collin- I love the feel of his short chubby arms around my neck

Three FEARS:

1-On of my kids getting lost or kidnapped

2-Myself or one of my kids drowning (I do not like deep water and I am not a very good swimmer)

3-Mike dying at a young age.

Current Obsessions:

1-Crafts- I am making several different things to sale at the annual craft sale here to earn money for Christmas.

2-Gilmore Girls- I LOVE this TV series- I think it has to be my favorite- thanks to Mike and his parents- I have all 7 seasons- so to help with my answer to #1 I have been watching it from the beginning to end- and have loved every minute of it!

3-Planning gifts for Christmas- because I like to make some of my gifts- I have to plan early- I'm really excited about my gift to my mom this year- I hope she likes it!

Three FACTS:

1- Lived in Utah all my life and never been skiing

2-I'm a homebody-in other words I am super boring

3-Horrible with numbers- I still struggle with stinkin' multiplication!

5 People I Tag:


1 comment:

SummerV said...

You are not super boring. I am excited to see the cute crafts you are making, I hope you post pictures! I love the diaper thing you made cute!