Monday, May 12, 2008

A Great Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday. It started up with Mike waking me up with a bowl of strawberries and a bowl of my absolute favorite cereal- Capt'n Crunch! We have 9:00 church- so we then got ready and went to church. Samantha had her first chance to participate in primary- she was assigned the closing prayer in closing exercises. Both Mike and I wanted to be there- and Mike was planning on going up to help her. It was so cute to see her sitting up on the stand like such a big girl! As soon as the closing song ended- she quickly got up placed her little church bag on the side of the pulpit, put her colored picture on the pulpit and then pulled down the microphone to reach her mouth- this was all before Mike could reach the stand. As soon as she got settled- she started to look panicked, luckily Mike got up there-and everything went well. She was hard to understand because she had her mouth pressed to the microphone- but we were just proud that she even got up there. My friend in primary told me that most little sunbeams won't even attempt it. After we got home from church I was able to do one of my most favorite Sunday things- take a nap! It was great! We then went over to the Flanagan's and had dinner. All the guys each took care of a dish. Brian went to Italy on his mission- so he made the BEST pasta that I have ever tasted! Mike made a spinach salad- which was really so yummy- I love spinach salads. Dave made a raspberry cheesecake- I wish that I had taken a picture of it- it looked as good as it tasted! We then just sat around and talked while the kids played. We are so blessed to have such good friends out here- friends who you can consider family. They are evidence to me that I have a loving Heavenly Father who knows my needs and knows that this is where we need to be.

I had to take picture of our yummy dinner!

I loved my Mother's Day and I am so grateful to be a mother to our two healthy, happy, beautiful little kids. I am grateful to have been raised by an incredible mother-she is one of my closest friends. She has taught me and continues to teach me so many important things through her actions and advice. I am so grateful for our many, many phone calls during the day- they get me through the long hours while Mike is studying. I am grateful for an amazing mother-in-law who raised a wonderful son. I am so lucky to have Rosalie in my life- she is such a strong example to me. I feel blessed to be her daughter-in-law.

Thank you Mike for making my Mother's Day so special!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

It is so good to see your blog. I kept getting on and I saw your cute slide show everytime, I didn't know it is always there. I just thought it was part of an old old post. If I had scrolled down I would've seen more post....I love the heels in bed and the chain you made...that is so fun.
Also I totally cry everytime I hear that "your gonna miss this" song. Good to know you are still blogging. I just need to learn to scroll down. You are darling.