Samantha knows all the Disney Princess stories and all about Eloise and Fancy Nancy. But what about Nephi, Moroni, the Brother of Jared and other stories from the Book of Mormon? I was talking with my mom a couple weeks ago - just telling her my concerns about feeling like I wasn't doing enough to teach my kids (mainly Samantha) more about the gospel. For so long I just figured that she was too young to understand but I have found out how wrong I have been. Being the wonderful mother that she is, my mom sent a couple of the Living Scripture movies. They arrived yesterday and as I was explaining the story of Nephi and the Brass Plates before watching it, with wide eyes Samantha says, "NO WAY!" We have since watched the movie several times. She has been especially hung up on Laban and how Nephi had to kill him. I try to steer her away from that part and remind her that they arrived safely back to their family because the Lord protected them. There is a song, "I Will Go and Do", in the movie that my dad sang when I was younger. When Collin was just new I would sing it to him (unfortunately not with the talent my dad possessed) and now there is rarely a time that it won't calm him down or get him to sleep. It's the cutest thing to watch Collin as the song comes on, he just gets mesmerized! I made him a picture for his room with the words to the song. 

What cute cousin's, we sure do miss you guys. Im sure your mom is dieing having you guys away, because we sure are. I hope it works out for everyone to come out. Heck I hope we can all get together this summer, too many crazy schedules. Addi totally does the toothy grin, it's so dang funny. She does it all the time though, she never ever smiles with out this total cheeser with her two little buckies. Anyway I can't believe you made that bag... so cute, plus Samantha's bag and now collin's picture! How do you do it honestly? I must be so lazy, or I just dont give myself enough credit and tell myself it will just be a big mess.
Amberlee that is the sweetest thing. I know exactly what you mean because I always felt like Elle is too young to learn that stuff too but then just like you said she knows every cartoon character and princess out there. We got elle some of those movies for Christmas but i've been meaning to get to Deseret Books to get some good books or stories. How did you make that for Collin? I miss you guys.
That picture is adorable! :) That's great that Sam loves the movies too. We have one LS movie (the freebie that you get if you let them come over and give you their sales pitch!) and my kids have watched it OVER AND OVER AND OVER. :)
Amberlee... you are the BEST MOM.. I love what you do for them.. Where did you get that picture of Nephi?? What living scriptures do you have and like?? See ya,
That is so sweet and the picture is so precious! I need to be a better example and teach Brady more about the gospel as well. Love ya
I need suggestions from you or ideas for teaching the book of mormon. I was suprised when I started to tell Ken about it how interested she was. We got the board books, the animated movies and I got a flannel board set of book of mormon stories. I went a bit overboard but like you I needed a project. You are such a good example and such a sweet little mom.
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