Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So there is a group of medical school wives that wanted to get their kids together to play soccer. In order to play at the YMCA you have to be atleast 4- so the mothers wanted their younger kids to have a chance to play as well. It was set up for 2-3 yr olds. every Tuesday night @ 5. For the first 3 weeks either the weather was nasty or Samantha and Collin were sick. Finally this week we were all better and the weather was awesome! When I first told Samantha about playing soccer her response was "Yes! Now I can kick people!" quickly I corrected her and told her that in soccer the object of the game was to kick the ball- not people- she then she came back with "Yes! I can kick the ball at people!" Needless to say- before we left Tuesday I had to remind her what soccer really was- and what she was suppose to do! Mike met us there after he was done at school- and he worked a bit with Samantha- she then walked over to the goal - and stood 2 ft. away and kicked the ball in the goal- she was THRILLED!

As you can see in her cute little face! She played a little more- but then as mostly little 2 year olds came to play- she got bored and said "This is enough" she then wanted a snack! Mike said that she will be the kid who just comes to soccer for the Capri Sun and orange slices!


SummerV said...

I missed our deadline for soccer but all of Ken's little boy/friends are playing this summer. She is pretty content with her ballet class for now. Sam is darling. Cute little story. I want to steal Collin by the way..he is a doll.

Mindy said...

That is so funny that she wanted to kick people. She is a doll. I love the warmer weather.

Kat said...

Good job Samantha Taylor!!! Maybe she will be as good as her uncles!

Bree said...

Collin looks so cute just chill'n on dad wishing he was big enough to play. We sure are excited to see you guys!