Saturday, May 7, 2011

A quick visit home

A few months ago, my mom received a letter in the mail telling her that she had been selected to speak in a class at BYU's Women's Conference. I love to hear my mom talk, and I knew that this would be a neat experience- so I wanted to find some way to get home. I was talking with some friends at our craft night, telling them how I was trying to find a way to earn money for a plane ticket- so that I could hear my mom speak. A few days later, one of these friends approached me and told me that her and her husband had some airline credit that they wanted me to have. I was blown away - I couldn't believe it. 
It all worked out so perfectly, Mike would be done with his rotations so he could stay with the older kids, and then I could take Owen with me.
The trip quickly came. Unfortunately, I threw out my back a day before I left, so I was in a lot of pain, and for most of my time at home I spent it laying flat on the floor- but it was WORTH IT.  Owen was lucky and got to be spoiled by his Grandma and Grandpa Taylor (and Russell end even Marissa!) while I went down to the conference with my sisters. It was SO great to hear my mom speak. I know that I am not biased when I say that she did an absolutely beautiful job. I am SO blessed to have such an amazing example. LOVED her talk- LOVED the way that she presented her theme- her and my dad, Joseph are quite the team--- she comes up with the idea and he does all the technical stuff. I wish that I could have video taped it. I can't believe that I don't even have a picture of me with my mom. I STINK at taking pictures- All I got was a picture with my sisters (which I love). It was just that there were so many people that wanted to talk to her afterwards, that by the time we were leaving, I totally forgot to get the picture-- still so mad about it.
It all went by so quickly but I am SO grateful for great friends who helped make it happen, and for a wonderful, supportive husband who played mister mom for 3 days. I am grateful for my beautiful, amazing mom.


Bree said...

You all look so cute. I am sure your mom did an amazing job, I was so bummed I couldn't go but was thankful cause I am sure I would have cried a lot ;). Im sure it was so nice to just be you three sisters but I am super jealous I missed out!

Brianne & Jarod said...

Don't you just love friends like that? I am seriously in love with your dark hair! You are gorgeous, and your family pictures are AMAZING!!