Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First TOOTH (a tad late)

I keep forgetting to mention Samantha's exciting news.....loosing her first tooth :) It actually happened back at the end of August (weekend before school started)

We wondered if it was ever going to come out....she wouldn't let us "help" it to come out. She would work on it herself- and it was all but out but she was scared and didn't want us to pull it. The permanent tooth starting to come in behind the baby tooth and a little puffy and redness started around it - possible infection. So we sat her down one night (Nathan and Julianne were in town) and told her that she HAD to get it out---so with a few worried tears and a few minutes later.....

Thanks, Nathan for taking these!(a little fuzzy- taken with an iPhone- but grateful for them!)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Amberlee~ She so reminds me of Ella. What a darling beautiful girl. We sure miss you and I have been thinking about you a lot lately and want you to know that I just love ya!
We are trying to figure out a time to see you soon. It has been too long!
Big hugs :)