Thursday, July 1, 2010


Collin has been SO excited for his birthday to finally come. All he wanted for his birthday was to go to Chuck E Cheese and have a Buzz Lightyear birthday cake.- a pretty easy request if you ask me.-

Bright and early (6:30 am) He was SO EXCITED

A HUGE thanks to awesome grandparents, great grandparents and aunts and uncles who completely spoiled this guy!

This picture is for Grandpa and Grandma Taylor (a tradition in Mike's family is to do "heavy, heavy hangover...." so we did this with the present from them)


Owen wasn't too impressed with the joint- so he took a nap :)

Pure Joy


Kaydee and the boys said...

Ok, so it's been a while since I checked your blog... I missed it. How cute. I can't believe how big your family is getting!!??... so cute. It looks like everyone's doing well - that's good.

Sara said...

my goodness -- are you feeding owen ROCKET FUEL? lol -- what a cute chunk! :)
Toy Story is soooo fun for little boys (or all kids). Collin looks so happy :) What a cutie!

Bree said...

Nice job on the cake. Dude Owen has doubled in size since Florida! I didn't thank he could get any more rolls... so funny, he kills me. He makes my 10.8 tank look like a peanut! How did your smallest baby turn out your biggest?!?!