To finish up Mike's 3rd year he had the last 2 months to chose the specialties that he wanted to rotate in. He also got to chose the hospital (if it was ok'd by the school). We decided to make a family "vacation" (not much of a vacation for Mike) and go out to Utah. Mike also had to do some testing in Kirksville - so we combined the 2 and made it a road trip. We left March 29th and drove to Kirksville (9 hrs). We had dinner with some friends that night who are actually coming out to Columbus next month to do their 2 years. (Yeah!) The next day Mike tested while the kids and I visited more friends who are still there and just drove down memory lane. It was fun to see everyone and to see where we all did some growing and learning....but really- it's nice to be past that stage of our life.
After Mike was finished, we drove to Lincoln, Nebraska (5 hrs) and stayed the night there. We woke of the next morning and drove the rest of the way there (13hrs)
It was LONG- but we survived both trips- to and from. It was so great to be with our families, it was fun to see friends, it was awesome just to be "home".
Here are just 2 of the ways we spent our time during the trek to and from Utah....eating and sleeping!
Blessing Owen with our family present,Cecily's Birthday party, Easter, Playing on Gra and Papa's "playground", riding the South Towne train,
Jungle Jim's, Making cookies with Grandma, fishing with Grandpa, playing with Uncle Russell
I got to run with my sisters(first time in my life that I've ever ran 4 miles- whoa- and I did it more than once!), I got to hang out with my mom and sisters- girls night out- laughed so hard, love them...
We did so many other things.... thanks to both of our families for putting up with us- we love you guys
So much FUN! I love the pictures!! I've been checking often! However, I still get a pit in my stomach to think that we just barely missed each other!! Looks like you guys had a lot of FUN while in Utah! Can't wait to see more & see Florida! I can't believe we only have 2 more weeks! Time goes to fast & goes even faster in Utah! Miss ya! Hope you are adjusting back to life in Ohio!!
Sam loves that train. Every time we go to the mall he looks for it. Owen is a little chunk! Sorry I missed you when you were here!
You look so pretty in the picture with your family in the living room. Owen looks like a jolly ol fat guy... YOu know how when I am prego I call myself the jolly ol fat lady, he looks like a happy little fat guy.
Don't worry Owen you look much MUCH cuter than me pregnant or me not pregnant:)
Oh my heck it looks like you guys had so much fun!
We can't wait to get to Ohio! We're all looking forward to our move:) We'll see you so soon! And then we'll really have to have some fun!! YAY!
Ha ha so Danny and I were just having this conversation about how he comes across as solemn and crusty in social settings, and then we saw the picture of the baby blessing. Awesome.
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