Thursday, March 18, 2010


Ya know, we do live in Dublin...and because of this it was no big surprise when Patrick "Lucky" O'Shaunesee visited our house yesterday. He didn't cause any trouble, just left a treasure hunt and a few other surprises.....

HA- Collin's face make me laugh

The kids and I made a rainbow. For dinner we had some friends over- they are moving here from Kirksville in May so they came to check out Columbus. It was fun to talk to them and see some old faces from Kirksville.

These last 2 shots have nothing to do with St. Patricks day- I just love this little guy (oh and yes his hair looks really red- although he does have a lot of "warmth" in his hair- it's actually a light brown, it's the picture that makes it look that color- not that there is anything wrong with red hair)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mike's Birthday and Bowling!

Mike just turned 31. Crazy to think that he is IN his 30's.

We didn't really do too much, just a decorated house, had a requested roast dinner and cheesecake for dessert. I took the kids to pick out a gift to give Mike, they chose a Nerf Rifle (they know their dad). he also got a big fat book.- Atlas Shrugged. 2 very different gifts- but they both seem to fit Mike perfectly. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and dad- Happy Birthday Mike!

Everyone looks a little worn out (but still really cute)- Mike's on surgery and the kids spent the day in the backyard (yay for spring)

On Saturday, after the house was cleaned,grocery shopping done and Mike's studying out of the way- Mike figured we needed to all get out and do something fun. So with coupons in hand we decided to go bowling. The kids were thrilled. As you can see below, the kids each have their own style/technique of bowling......



and finally.....Owen- JUST CHILL

For Mike's sake I won't post the final scores,but let me just say... I WON!

We had a fun time, made memories, I love our kids.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There is a new website which helps to promote small businesses in Utah. I have the opportunity to have my etsy shop "Featured" today on their site. It is only for today- so hurry and check it out!-

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Well, I was wrong.......

When Owen was born and weighed 8 pounds he seemed so much smaller than his brother and sister did. Even though the difference was only 6 oz with Collin and 14 oz with Samantha, I thought that maybe he would be the runt of the family. But from the looks of things, he proved me wrong.....
Wanna see some proof?!

Love those Michelin thighs...

....the wrists that look like you can twist on and off the little chubby hands...

last but not least ...those CHUBBY cheeks that you just want to kiss!

Owen had his 2 month appointment yesterday. He is a whopping 15 lbs. 4 oz and is a little more than 24 inches.... so much for being the runt! (I promise he eats "normally" every 3 or so hours- not too much for a 2 month old! I must produce nothin' but cream)

Just for fun, here's a couple shots of my boys who I love