Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Tritter Treating and Pupt Takes"

These past few weeks it's been pretty rough around our house. We have survived and things are getting back to normal (thank heavens)!

Here in Columbus they don't always do trick or treating on the actual holiday. My understanding is that if Halloween lands on a weekend- they have a designated day and they call it "beggars night"- they have the time be between 6-8pm. People sit outside on their porches and driveways to pass out candy.
That night luckily it was a decent evening- weather wise. Collin still had a cough and Samantha had a fever and cough- we quickly dressed them- nothing fancy - heck I even forgot Samantha's wings. Mike quickly took them to our surrounding neighbors and then they came home. Luckily this meant very little candy for any of us to be tempted by!

On the actual holiday, we made our favorite dinner (Lemon sauce pasta- thanks Flanagans) and then we decorated Owl and Mummy cupcakes- or as Collin calls them "Pupt Takes".


Zach, Jen, Elizabeth & Summer said...

I love the owl "pupt take." It's too cute. I totally want one. :)

Jena said...

Poor little things! They need a dose of the flanagan family...soon. We haven't had that pasta for awhile. That sounds delicous!

Tasha said...

I'm glad you guys are starting to feel better! I love the cute cupcakes! Even without her wings Samantha was a cute tinkerbell fairy & I love Collin's fire fighter! Collin is getting so big!! I wish I was closer to listen to him talk. I love little kids language as they are learning to talk more!!