Monday, October 19, 2009

Yummy Haunted Houses

I mentioned before that I was going to try and start some new traditions- especially now that we are so far from family. At Christmas time I LOVE decorating gingerbread houses- we never really did that as a family as a tradition growing up- but I just loved the few times that we did do it. I have seen in the stores the pre-packaged sets for Halloween houses- and so I thought PERFECT now we can do it twice a year! (Although at Christmas Mike has made me promise that we do "real" gingerbread instead of the grahm cracker way, hmmm... guess I better learn how to make gingerbread)

It was such a fun night- we all had a blast- Samantha did more dancing in the kitchen to the music we were listening to than decorating her house- and Collin ate more candy than he put on his house- but no matter- we made some good memories and started a fun tradition.

Making scary faces....

The Finished product


Jena said...

Those look so spooky and delicious! I have a gingerbread house mold! You make the dough and cook it in a fancy mold. Hmmm, wish we were a tad bit closer so we could make it a play date. Speaking of, I'm calling you tomorrow some time so we can discuss plans again.

chapstick said...

That looks like the kind of fun a namma wishes she could be there for! Those are pretty happy faces I'd say. Warms my heart. Loves to all!

Tasha said...

What fun! It made me think of the time our kids did graham cracker houses together at your place...wish we were with you! I'm jealous that Jill & Erik are coming your way, but fun for you guys!! The previous post made me laugh how cute is Samantha & yes I too would love to see the picture she would draw! Take Care! give those cute kids hugs from us! they are growing so much...crazy!

Zach, Jen, Elizabeth & Summer said...

That is such a cute idea! I may have to use it once Elizabeth is bigger, although I'd probably end up doing what Sam did & dance instead of decorate. ;)