Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bear and a little girls prayer.....

This is one of those posts that is for just journaling purposes so that I don't forget it as time goes by (which now a days it happens more frequently).
Samantha had a neat experience this past week- and I want to record it for her so that in the future she will have it to look back on.
This last Tuesday evening I realized that it had been since Monday night while tucking Samantha in bed, that I saw Bear. We had been on errands and to the park that day- but I was 99.9% positive that Samantha had not taken him with us. Well, after looking for awhile with no success- we sent her to bed with a back-up bear and a promise to look more the next day. All Wednesday we looked- but still with no success. When Mike got home from the hospital- I went to the store and while I was gone- Samantha had told him that we STILL couldn't find Bear. He told her that she needed to pray to Heavenly Father and ask for His help. She then asked him- how does Heavenly Father help us find things? Mike then told her that often Heavenly Father will put "thoughts" in our head to help us. When I got home- she was all excited with what her dad had told her about prayer. At bedtime, she again asked for help in finding Bear. For a couple more days there was still no sign of Bear, I myself thought that we may have to move back-up Bear to starting position (wow- how about my lack of faith) and then one afternoon while I was making dinner - Samantha asked if I thought if Bear could be in the TV (meaning the entertainment center) I told her to look- but didn't think much of it because I thought that one of us had already looked. And lo and behold there was Bear crammed in one of the cupboards! She was THRILLED (to put it mildly) I immediately told her that this is exactly how Heavenly Father answered her prayer- He helped her to think about looking in the cupboard- just like Daddy said He would. We then knelt down together and thanked Heavenly Father for helping her to find Bear.- I record this because I am so grateful for this opportunity for Samantha to experience the real power of prayer and I want her to be able to remember this for the rest of her life. It is so scary to be a parent right now as the world around us is getting more and more evil. I want so badly for each of our children to develop their own testimony and faith in the Savior. I am so grateful for this gospel and that we have it in our lives to help raise our kids- and to have the tools to teach them. I am grateful for amazing parents who provided ways for me to feel the spirit and helped me to learn and grow so that I was able to build and strengthen my own testimony. I am also grateful that Mike took this opportunity to teach Samantha about prayer- and I am grateful to his parents for being who they are- and for teaching their children. (Wow, I said grateful a lot)


Jena said...

I love stories like that. It just gives me little goose bumps. I love the faith of little children. Nothing tops that.

Hey. How about we plan a little reunion...SOON! I miss you!

Tasha said...

Jena you can't post about little reunions with you & Amberlee when I'm to far away I will cry! Amberlee you look darling pregnant you are still so little!! I love this story about Samantha what faith!! That is why we are instructed to become as little children...I think!! Collin looks so big in his little white shirt & tie at the wedding! Miss you guys!!

Our Little Family said...

Even though that example is so simple it gave me chills, I love that story.

Ask Mike if he knows much about this whole Toxic Synovtis thing and the chances of it becoming arthritis.I don't know how to spell it either! It would be so sad to have a kid get it at two, I guess she would be young enough she wouldn't remember life with out it. (sad)

Our Little Family said...

P.S. Addi just walked in and said "Collin!"

Brianne & Jarod said...

Ummm..such a cute story! I just love how excited children are about saying their prayers! Kuddos to you and Mike for being such great parents!

SummerV said...

That is so sweet. You are such a good mom and great example to me and obviously your kids. You always have been.