Last night around dinner time Tasha called me to see if I was listening to the news- she was on her way home from her girls dance and she told me that there were tornado warnings. I turned on the TV and sure enough it was true. Luckily for me- I had asked Mike to come home a little earlier because the kids were hungry and ready for dinner- if I hadn't then he would have been at the school and I would be scared and alone with the kids. We still continued on with dinner- but kept the news on. Soon the sirens started going off- we grabbed our radio and the kids and went into the bathroom. The alert said that a tornado was on it's way and was scheduled to hit Kirksville at I think 5:50 ( I am wrong on the exact time) We sat and we waited. Nothing- no big noises, nothing. We came out of the bathroom- and the skieslooked a bit better- so we felt like we were in the clear. My cell phone rang and it was sweet Jena- calling to see if we were ok. They were not- well they were all physically ok- but their duplex- no longer had an upper roof-it was a mess. They live just a mile away. Unbelievable.Lucky for them- their neighbors As soon as we could- Mike went to help and we got all the Flanagan kids and the Perry girls and brought them to our house. It was a long and emotional night for Jena and Tasha-their families and so many on their street. They are just trying to piece together what they have and what their next step is. Most likely they will both be moving within the next week (instead of in 5 weeks) The boys are in the last 2 days of finals- and then studying for boards.
It was hard and is still hard to know just what to do that will help. These girls have been my saving grace these past 2 years- and it is awful to see them go through this. They are strong and have really positive attitudes- one of the things that I love about them.
We feel so lucky/grateful to have gone untouched- but more than anything we are grateful that our loved ones here are safe.
These shots are a few that I took this morning- they aren't very good- and it really doesn't do the mess justice. I didn't get a chance to see Jena's side- it wasn't a safe place to have the kids- so I took the pictures quickly and left.
Frontal view
Dave and Tasha's room
Looking upstairs
Their neighbors- who were in their bathroom when the tornado hit- they are lucky to be alive
View from their front porch
The house they were all in during the tornado
Two words... HOLY CRAP! If those don't do it justice I can't imagine what it really looks like. You guys are so lucky, I bet you feel like your in a dream. Hearing about it I feel like Im watching a movie! We are just so happy you are all okay, Man on minute we are on the phone and the next your life is in danger!
I was in shock all night and couldn't sleep very well, just after hearing the news. but then when I went over there today, I was in disbelief that it was SO BAD!!!
Holy scary! I'm glad you are alright! I'm sorry for your friends though.
Wow, those pictures were hard to look at. I can't imagine...Tell Jena and Tasha I love them and I'm praying for both of them and their families. I wish I was closer to help.
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