Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Saturday, June 21st Collin turned 1 year old! I can't believe how quickly time has passed- it seems even faster than Samantha's first year. He is such a happy, happy "little" guy, with the sweetest eyes in the world. He has a very tender heart- and loves to cuddle. His favorite way to fall asleep is on Mike's shoulder while he sings. He really is such an easy child- with the exception of his weight- he just gets so heavy to carry around! Luckily he is showing interest in walking- so far he can stand and take a couple steps before he lunges for whoever he is walking to. He can say mama and dada- and uses the words correctly. He can wave hi and goodbye- and has just started pointing to the things he wants and the direction he wants to go.

For his birthday we had it a soccer theme- so of course he got a little soccer ball (I don't have a picture of him with it- it's on my mom's camera) he got some Little Tykes chubby cars and a toy hammer. From his Grandma and Grandpa Mower he got a book, new pj's and and Elmo movie. His aunts Steph and Cassie gave him a dump truck and Toy Story. Ryan, Kathryn and Cecily gave him some cute clothes. From Jonathan, Bree and Addi he got a Buzz Lightyear sippy cup.- From his Grandpa and Grandma Taylor he got a See'n'Say and a Baby Einstein sing and play CD. Russell gave him a Wall-E T-shirt. So needless to say he was beyond spoiled!

It took him a little bit to figure out what he was suppose to do with his cake- but as soon as he caught on- it was over from there! He went to town! After he got his fill- he just loved squishing his hands in it.


Bree said...

Man we have been gone like ten days and I feel like it has been a month. Collin looks so different, maybe it's just the picture you got but he looks skinnyer, and his little personality looks like it has come out even more, and he is taking steps! Nobody has told us this, we have officially fell of the earth! I love the one with his tounge out eating cake, it's the perfect first birthday picture...

chapstick said...

Way to go buddy!! Don't leave one crumb unattended to! Glad we could take part inn your first birthday party! Love you sweetheart, Gra

kristi and family said...

amberlee... his cake is soo CUTE!!! where does the time go... it seems like it was just last summer when we were both big and prego...

Tiffany said...

Cute cakes!! Love the soccer theme!! Happy B-day to the cute birthday boy!

Mindy said...

What a sweetheart. I'm glad you made it safe to Utah. He is such a darling little guy. One-two year olds are my favorite. They are all so funny.