Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chores,Chores Chores....

Learning the value of work was something that was important in both of our homes growing up. We want the same for our kids. So with some help (and by help, I mean she did it all) from my talented mom,she made this chart for me. Each week the kids complete what ever chores are assigned to them each day. We can't yet afford to pay any allowance, so instead at the end of each week if they have kept their rooms cleaned and done their chores (without complaint) they get to participate in our family activity. These activities are all things that I wanted to do as a family anyways-- but now they have to work for it!

DRIVE IN MOVIE (thank you, pinterest)

 They got to decorate their room with Halloween decorations. 
 Haunted "Gingerbread" houses

 All this kid did was eat as much candy he could get his hands on.
The finished products!

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