Wednesday, January 26, 2011


December 29th Owee-Onus Bajonas Taylor turned ONE! Man do we ever love this little guy.

Who is Owen Robert Taylor at the age of ONE?
-So very cuddly
-loves to hold onto his mom's hair
-loves a little lion whose tail takes the place of mom's hair at night and during naps
-loves to listen to music and dance (dancing is either bouncing or swaying back and forth)
-LOVES to watch and play with his brother and sister
-likes to look at books
-gets SO excited when Dad comes home
-LOVES to take baths
-Is NOT interested in walking anytime soon :)
-he's a screamer- he has just recently began screaming "MOM!!" (oh the joy)
-he really is such a pleasant, easy-going, happy little guy
-ABSOLUTELY loved and adored by his family.
This year we were still in Utah during Owen's birthday. We just had a low-key party with our families. Poor Collin and Samantha ended up with stomach flu mid-party- which was definitely a downer-- but it was still a great night!

At first taste, Owen looked like he was going to take it easy----

-----but he didn't-- He went to TOWN on that cake! I finally took it away, worried that we'd have child #3 throwing up too. After I took the cake away, Owen raised both hands in the air as if to say "TA-DAA!" Unfortunately even with 2 cameras and a video camera present-- we missed that cute- perfect moment- but we'll still never forget it.

All cleaned up after a quick necessary bath, ready for the presents!

Our present, to Owen, was back in Ohio- so Owen had to wait until we got home-- and from the look on his face, you can tell that it was worth the wait!

A 3-1 Smart Trike


Bree said...

Okay seriously how much did you end up paying for that one cause for like ten dollars more I would WAY rather have it then my neon little gem. The other red one was 130 on sale for 89. The one I bought I ended up getting for like 45 ish.

P.S. he is so cute! It makes me so sad whith the first set of three I felt like we were all so close and did it all together so when we left I felt like we still knew each other. Now I look at Owen and he is this darling little boy we don't even know. Think about it the next time we see each other the babies will be one and a half, so in the first year and a half of their lives we will have seen each others kids for three days. We get to add a week to it in May and then who knows how long again. By the time we go home in May it will have been 14 months for Jonathan and 10 for the girls and I, crazy huh!

Wow that was a lot of rambling! Happy birthday little man!

Jena said...

Holy Moly! I can't believe he is one. What? Are you adjusted to "normal" life? Not me. I gotta get something figured out. We are too boring over here. Can't you live a little closer so I could have some excitement in my life? Miss ya! counting down the days to knowing the next stage of life!