Wednesday, May 27, 2009

25 Days and counting!!!!

My sister Steph mailed the kids a little package and in it was stuff to make a count down chain for when they come and we move. She sent sticky jewels (which the leftovers worked as earing's-a 2 in 1!) feathers, glitter glue and foam letters. Can you tell that she is pre elementary education as well as a nanny? I feel bad that I didn't take a picture when we first hung up the chain- but seeing the last 25 you get the idea! Thanks Steph for the fun project and something to look forward to everyday!- Can't wait to see you guys!
(It origionally went down the wall- we have to put it high enough that little mitter doesn't get to it!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Getting older.....

These two things happened a few weeks back- I've just kept forgetting to post them.....
First thing- Samantha's hair. When Samantha was born she a a ton of dark hair- and just like her it's kept growing and hasn't stopped! When she was a baby she had the cutest curls.......
Unfortunately the curls weren't going to last.....the cute ringlets just stayed on the last 2-3 inches of her hair. Whenever I've cut Samantha's hair I've only done trims- hoping to hang onto those cute baby curls as long as possible! I did it for 2 reasons really 1-because they were so pretty 2-Samantha does NOT like getting her hair done. SO the curls helped to make it look like I actually spent time on her hair!
With the cuteness also came knots and tangles. The ringlets made it difficult at times to comb through her hair. I finally accepted that it was time to let go of the curls and just cut them off. Samantha still wanted long hair so I only cut about 2 -2 1/2 inches....and yet it still made me sad!

Second thing - Samantha "graduated" preschool. She isn't going to kindergarten for another year- but we are moving-so I guess you could say she "completed" preschool.
They had a nice little program, they put together a slide show of the past year and then focused on each child. Then each class preformed a special song. At the beginning of preschool I was super hesitant to send her- but now looking back- I am SO grateful for the experience she had. Her teacher, Miss Laura was awesome- and the other helpers were great. She loved school and loved her friends there.

These 2 top pictures are a little fuzzy, I couldn't figure out how to make my zoom work right-

Our little mamf is growing up!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

TOO Soon

It wasn't suppose to happen for another month. We were suppose to do so much more.... Girls night out....trips to the park......last trip to Nauvoo to trade off and do temple sessions.....Sunday dinners.......sanity get togethers while husbands study for boards......swimming in our pool.....BBQ's and Brian and Dave's smoked pork.....finally taking a picture with the 3 girls......and countless other things.

This past week has been a whirlwind around here. Nothing feels the same anymore. Jena left today- she and the kids went back to Utah with her parents until it is time to move to Michigan. It was so hard to say goodbye-and to think I'll have to do the same with Tasha in just a week when they move to Arizona. I knew I was always going to have to say goodbye- but I thought we'd have more time.-May sound cheesy- but it's true!

I have been so blessed to live here- to meet so many amazing women- those not only in our class but in the classes ahead and the class behind. Women who have taught me so much about life and about myself. I know that Heavenly Father knew just who I needed to help me through this difficult yet wonderful experience- Jena and Tasha in particular. It just worked between us-and it was easy to be around each other. Like any good true friendship. I knew that I could ask for their opinion and they would give me an honest answer. I knew that I could leave my kids with them- I knew that because my kids loved them too. We could laugh and talk about anything and if anyone needed something- we knew who we could go to. Thank you girls for being so much to me- for becoming some of my best friends- friends for life. I'll miss you!

I guess we'll have to try and make for it in 2 years at graduation?!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Last night around dinner time Tasha called me to see if I was listening to the news- she was on her way home from her girls dance and she told me that there were tornado warnings. I turned on the TV and sure enough it was true. Luckily for me- I had asked Mike to come home a little earlier because the kids were hungry and ready for dinner- if I hadn't then he would have been at the school and I would be scared and alone with the kids. We still continued on with dinner- but kept the news on. Soon the sirens started going off- we grabbed our radio and the kids and went into the bathroom. The alert said that a tornado was on it's way and was scheduled to hit Kirksville at I think 5:50 ( I am wrong on the exact time) We sat and we waited. Nothing- no big noises, nothing. We came out of the bathroom- and the skieslooked a bit better- so we felt like we were in the clear. My cell phone rang and it was sweet Jena- calling to see if we were ok. They were not- well they were all physically ok- but their duplex- no longer had an upper roof-it was a mess. They live just a mile away. Unbelievable.Lucky for them- their neighbors As soon as we could- Mike went to help and we got all the Flanagan kids and the Perry girls and brought them to our house. It was a long and emotional night for Jena and Tasha-their families and so many on their street. They are just trying to piece together what they have and what their next step is. Most likely they will both be moving within the next week (instead of in 5 weeks) The boys are in the last 2 days of finals- and then studying for boards.

It was hard and is still hard to know just what to do that will help. These girls have been my saving grace these past 2 years- and it is awful to see them go through this. They are strong and have really positive attitudes- one of the things that I love about them.
We feel so lucky/grateful to have gone untouched- but more than anything we are grateful that our loved ones here are safe.

These shots are a few that I took this morning- they aren't very good- and it really doesn't do the mess justice. I didn't get a chance to see Jena's side- it wasn't a safe place to have the kids- so I took the pictures quickly and left.

Frontal view

Dave and Tasha's room

Looking upstairs

Their neighbors- who were in their bathroom when the tornado hit- they are lucky to be alive

View from their front porch

The house they were all in during the tornado

Monday, May 11, 2009

What makes the PERFECT Mother's Day?

-sleeping in until 9:00 ( kids almost always wake up at around 6:45)
-Cap'n Crunch for breakfast.- my favorite cereal and treat
-a morning of just reading (Goose Girl)- nothing else (expect painting toenails with Samantha)
-going to church and watching mamf sing Mother's Day songs in Sacrament Meeting.
-an absolutely delicious dinner- and not being allowed in the kitchen for preparation OR clean-up.
-being able to talk to both my mom and mom-in-law- my true examples the type of mom I hope to be.
-a movie after the kids are in bed- just me, Mike and some chocolate. This rarely happens- especially right before finals- and a Monday final. (Mike goes to bed with the kids those Sundays so that he can wake up EARLY to study)

Thank you Mike for making yesterday so special- and for always making me feel special
- I love you

-oh and good luck this week- LAST FINALS WEEK of our lives!!!!