Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Saturday, June 21st Collin turned 1 year old! I can't believe how quickly time has passed- it seems even faster than Samantha's first year. He is such a happy, happy "little" guy, with the sweetest eyes in the world. He has a very tender heart- and loves to cuddle. His favorite way to fall asleep is on Mike's shoulder while he sings. He really is such an easy child- with the exception of his weight- he just gets so heavy to carry around! Luckily he is showing interest in walking- so far he can stand and take a couple steps before he lunges for whoever he is walking to. He can say mama and dada- and uses the words correctly. He can wave hi and goodbye- and has just started pointing to the things he wants and the direction he wants to go.

For his birthday we had it a soccer theme- so of course he got a little soccer ball (I don't have a picture of him with it- it's on my mom's camera) he got some Little Tykes chubby cars and a toy hammer. From his Grandma and Grandpa Mower he got a book, new pj's and and Elmo movie. His aunts Steph and Cassie gave him a dump truck and Toy Story. Ryan, Kathryn and Cecily gave him some cute clothes. From Jonathan, Bree and Addi he got a Buzz Lightyear sippy cup.- From his Grandpa and Grandma Taylor he got a See'n'Say and a Baby Einstein sing and play CD. Russell gave him a Wall-E T-shirt. So needless to say he was beyond spoiled!

It took him a little bit to figure out what he was suppose to do with his cake- but as soon as he caught on- it was over from there! He went to town! After he got his fill- he just loved squishing his hands in it.

Park City!

So after getting some sleep (not enough) after our forever long trip out- we had the chance to go and stay with the Taylors up in Park City for the weekend. The weather was freezing! I felt like a horrible mom- because the kids didn't have any really warm clothes or shoes- I could have sworn it was summertime?! We got the chance to relax- play games- read and just enjoy being with family again. The place where we stayed was RIGHT next to the Alpine Slide and Coaster- so everyone went on both of the rides (except for boring 'ol me)

While we waited for everyone to be done- Collin had a blast playing in the dirt and rocks- he found one that seemed to fit perfectly into his little chubby hand and he held it......
and held it.......

Samantha loved the coaster- but didn't want to take the ski lift to go on the slide- so she stayed with me and rode the merry-go-round
(it was kind of weak- but she enjoyed it!)
It was a very fun trip and a great way to start out our vacation!

Monday, June 23, 2008

20 HOURS!!! We made it!!!

Well I am behind in blogging- time has gone by so quickly here- plus not being at home and in our normal routine has made it hard to keep up! We made it safely to Utah- but at times it seemed like our destination was getting further and further away! We left at 5:30 am on the 5th of June. Collin was not thrilled to be woken up......

(It's a little hard to tell- but he is seriously not happy)
Samantha was completely different- she was THRILLED!

The trip went along pretty well- we had started the trip hoping to make it within 18 1/2 hours but unfortunately there were a few "set-backs" ( I am not going to mention anything specific!). In Nebraska we traveled through a tornado warning completely unaware- grateful that nothing happened.I swear that the state of Wyoming must be the largest state in the United States of America! The kids both did really, really well- I think I did worse than the 2 of them! I get restless legs- plus I am claustrophobic- so with the limited space and the long hours- I about lost it! Once we got to my parents house I was beyond happy that we were staying for 6 weeks- so that I didn't have to make the return trip for long time! Luckily going back we will be traveling in a mini-van (fingers crossed that we find one).