Thursday, January 31, 2013

Christmastime Activities

The month of December goes by too quickly. It almost seems like it is sometimes too busy to enjoy. But in the end we did have a good month. We wished for snow-- but no such luck :(
Here are some of the things that we did.......

Owen and I went to both Collin and Samantha's school parties. It's always fun to see them interact with their friends and classmates.

We decorated "gingerbread" houses. I learned a good lesson----don't try and save the frosting from a kit that we used the previous year to assemble your houses. After we started decorating the houses they slowly started falling apart. It was funny/sad/frustrating. But we then used some of the frosting that I made and it ended up keeping the houses together. phew!

I ran to the dollar store one day to pick something up and Owen found this Santa hat. I couldn't refuse his plea- he just looked so cute! The funny thing is-- is whenever I told Owen to get his hat and coat on, he would put on the Santa one instead of his winter hat.

 We went to our Ward Christmas Party. It was a nice night-- but we really missed Dad who was on call.

Samantha is currently taking dance from one of our friends. It's pretty low key and really inexpensive, so it is perfect for us. Katie does a fantastic job with the girls. They put on a mini winter recital. I wish I had  pictures of Samantha actually dancing-- but Mike was on call and I could only do one camera at a time and chose to videotape it. Here Samantha is afterwards with 2 of her little friends-- Hallie and Maggie

1 comment:

Bree said...

How is it that you don't even look pregnant and you were almost half way! Didn't she have a Halle friend in Ohio too? So cute, love seeing what you guys are up to!