Sunday, February 26, 2012


I just wanted to quickly write down a couple of things that have happened over the past few weeks. I don't want to forget them--

#1  Mike has currently been on a rotation which allows him to leave later than usual---(yay)--which means he leaves the same time I leave to take Samantha to school. Samantha all the sudden-- all on her own began making her dads lunches. Which consisted of a peanut butter sandwich, chips, smarties and a sweet little note telling him that she loved him. Doing kind and thoughtful things for others is pretty consistent action for Samantha.
#2 This past weekend, Samantha was supposed to clean her bedroom before she could do anything else-- this of course wasn't something that she was too happy about. As she is being her very dramatic little self-- Collin spoke up and said that he would help her. He then stood on a chair and Samantha would hand him her clothes and he would hang them up. As they finished I expressed to Collin that I was very proud of how he was willing to help Samantha. His response was "Thanks, Mom--- that's just what brothers are suppose to do"


chapstick said...

All a tearful grandma can say is Aaahhhhhh! Those are the kind of moments that make it all worthwhile. So sweet to see their caring natures. Give them a hug from Grandma!

SummerV said...

okay hello perfect children. Why are mine the spawn of satan? I guess we have to take a close look at the moms eh?

Bree said...

Those are the sweetest stories ever! I'm not surprised they are YOUR children!

Stephanie said...

im right there with mom!! with tears in my eyes thinkng what awesome neices and nephews i have!!!! love them!! cant wait to see them!

Josie said...

I have no doubt Cash and Collin would be the best of buddies. Who knows...once we get you back here maybe they will:) You have wonderful wonderful kids...just a reflection of their mother.

Tasha said...

So cute! Isn't it great when you see the kids helping out...willingly(sp?)! I love the pictures of Collin & Owen so sweet & FUN!!