Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
When Samantha started Kindergarten she was placed in ELI (Early Literacy Intervention). After her normal Kindergarten morning class, she would stay during the afternoon and work with 3 different teachers in workshops. Each trimester they would evaluate her progress and then decide if she still needed ELI. I worried about how Samantha would handle going to school all day- but boy does that little girl LOVE it. Only once did she complain about the length of time she spent there-- and it really wasn't a complaint-- it was "Boy, mom I'm at school a long time" She has worked with 4 great teachers who she loves and talks about all the time (it doesn't hurt that 2 of them are young and beautiful!) It really has been such an answer to our prayers to see not only her enjoyment of school, but to see her new interest in learning, and how much she is progressing.
Last week, we received in the mail a letter saying that with the end of the trimester testing, Samantha has been approved and no longer needs to be in ELI! We are so proud of her and so proud of her hard work! I love how she is now always wondering how things are spelled-- wanting to read everything-loving to learn new things- it just makes me happy.
It's funny how at the beginning of this I worried about how it would be for her to be at school 6 1/2 hrs-- now I'm a little worried about how she will handle only being at school for 2 1/2!- But I do know of one little boy who will be so happy to have his buddy back.
This little boy put together an outfit-- sure that he looks JUST like Iron Man. Yesterday when we went to pick up Samantha from school, Collin wanted to wear just the helmet because he thought that everyone would say "Hey, it's Iron Man!" unfortunately not everyone has the same "vision" that Collin has. When we walked up to the crossing guard the following conversation took place:
CG: "Hey look, it's a Roman Soldier!"
C: "No, I Iron Man!"
CG:"Oh, I'm sorry!- Iron Man
(walking away, saying in a disappointed voice) C: "Ahh man, I not a bad guy, I Iron Man, I a Super Hero"
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

At first taste, Owen looked like he was going to take it easy----

-----but he didn't-- He went to TOWN on that cake! I finally took it away, worried that we'd have child #3 throwing up too. After I took the cake away, Owen raised both hands in the air as if to say "TA-DAA!" Unfortunately even with 2 cameras and a video camera present-- we missed that cute- perfect moment- but we'll still never forget it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Playing in the snow, building a snowman...

Hugging the snowman...

Seeing Temple Square with the Anderson's

-Swimming at the Bountiful Rec Center
-Seeing Tangled (LOVED that movie)
-Playing Quelfs (funniest game EVER) and Are you Smarter than a 5th grader
-Hanging out in the craft room
-Family Christmas parties
-Trip to the Temple and afterwards Mandarin (a MUST)
-Playing legos (Collin's new interest)
-And just being together
Christmas Eve
(watching Polar Express)

Acting out the Nativity scene

Sprinkling "Reindeer Dust" (Thanks, Carson!)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Our 6 year old
Before the spoiling....

Opening her art set from Gra and Papa to support her new addiction to writing,drawing and creating

Opening her favorite movie(and book) Ramona and Beezus

Wearing her birthday shirt, already for school!

After school-- before we cut the cake--

Mike was on a rotation with a Doctor who annually took everyone in his office to the Nutcracker for Christmas. He has everyone over for dinner at his house and then they take a limo to the ballet. He invited our family to come along. Since it ended up being on Samantha's birthday, Mike thought that it would be the perfect daddy-daughter night.
Needless to say-- Samantha was so excited!