Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our little Mr. Fix it

With some of his Christmas money, (from Grandparents) Collin wanted his own tools. When he puts on the goggles- it's HILARIOUS- they are too small for his head- so it just creates the funniest look on him.-it's better in person

Owen needed a little "fixing"

One morning Collin was playing with Mike's mini Fuse Ball table that Russell gave him for his birthday. Collin ended up breaking one of the sticks. When Mike got home - he ran and told his dad about what he had done. He then said- "Don't worry Daddy- I'll fix it!" he ran to the toy room and came back ready....

With his assistant, Samantha

Now... too bad he couldn't fix this......(although- strange to think that his dad could have- he was just missing the MOST important part- the drugs!

Sorry for the poor quality.... yep, apparently I need a little safety training. We were out doing yard work- Mike mowing the lawn- and I was trimming the hedges with an electrical hedger. I promise that I have had several other successful trimmings- but for some reason when I turned it off, I grabbed toward the blade too soon- and the above picture is the result. 2 hours and 4 stitches later and I'm almost as good as new!


My brother Jonathan graduated from the University of Florida Law School on May 14. To help him celebrate and to have a little family vacation, we all headed to Florida (a HUGE thanks to my family- especially my parents who made it possible for us to go). We spent the first day in Disneyworld Magic Kingdom. The 2nd day in Animal Kingdom- and later Downtown Disney- for shopping and dinner. We had so much fun, the kids loved it- and with as many bodies as there were- things actually ran quite smoothly.

all the Princesses (it appears that a few of us had the same "leggings" outfit idea-I guess great minds think alike!)

Collins FAVORITE- meeting Buzz Lightyear

It's serious business killing those aliens....

What kind of photographer would cut off Turks head!?! Seriously!

The third day was Jonathan's graduation up in Gainsville. We originally thought that he could only get tickets for my parents and Bree-so they drove up to the ceremony and we spent the day at Smyrna Beach. It later came out that we all could have gone- but Jonathan didn't want to make us sit at his graduation- so he kept that to himself- talk about selflessness!

The kids LOVED the beach- especially Collin. He loved it when the waves would crash into him. He would have either Mike or one of his uncles take him out as far as they could go.

Funny/not so funny story- Later that night at dinner- Bree and Jonathan informed us that Smyrna Beach is actually the #2 beach for shark attacks......and that most attacks take place in 3 feet of water.....AWESOME

With the weight of the water- Collin couldn't keep his trunks up!

The last launch of the shuttle Atlantis happened to be the same day- and our beach was close by. Mike and Ryan tried to drive and get closer- but the rest of us stayed back. Even though we weren't as close- it was still awesome to see it all happen. When it launched, I was actually nursing Owen- so I missed the really good shots- but these'll just have to do!

Later that night we all went to dinner to celebrate -

The last day we spent taking family pictures (in a later post) and then before our flights took off we all went the the largest McDonalds in the world. It didn't just have the normal food- it also had this gourmet stuff as well. It was 2 levels and had a ton of stuff to do.....

It was a pretty quick trip-and it went so fast- but I love the fun we had the memories we made-

Congratulations- Jonathan- we are so proud of you- we know you will always be successful- you just have it in you-

This has been a big year for people in our family graduating.......Jonathan with his law degree,Ryan with his masters, Marissa getting her bachelors and Cassie graduating highschool! Congratulations guys- we love you!

Next year- it's our turn :)Hallelujah! and Steph and Cameron getting their bachelors!)

Monday, May 17, 2010

What A MONTH! (and then some)

I haven't blogged in forever....I'll be honest, I haven't really been in the mood. But we've done a lot and we still have more coming, so I figure that I'd better bite the bullet and just get started!

To finish up Mike's 3rd year he had the last 2 months to chose the specialties that he wanted to rotate in. He also got to chose the hospital (if it was ok'd by the school). We decided to make a family "vacation" (not much of a vacation for Mike) and go out to Utah. Mike also had to do some testing in Kirksville - so we combined the 2 and made it a road trip. We left March 29th and drove to Kirksville (9 hrs). We had dinner with some friends that night who are actually coming out to Columbus next month to do their 2 years. (Yeah!) The next day Mike tested while the kids and I visited more friends who are still there and just drove down memory lane. It was fun to see everyone and to see where we all did some growing and learning....but really- it's nice to be past that stage of our life.

After Mike was finished, we drove to Lincoln, Nebraska (5 hrs) and stayed the night there. We woke of the next morning and drove the rest of the way there (13hrs)
It was LONG- but we survived both trips- to and from. It was so great to be with our families, it was fun to see friends, it was awesome just to be "home".

Here are just 2 of the ways we spent our time during the trek to and from Utah....eating and sleeping!

Blessing Owen with our family present,Cecily's Birthday party, Easter, Playing on Gra and Papa's "playground", riding the South Towne train,
Jungle Jim's, Making cookies with Grandma, fishing with Grandpa, playing with Uncle Russell
I got to run with my sisters(first time in my life that I've ever ran 4 miles- whoa- and I did it more than once!), I got to hang out with my mom and sisters- girls night out- laughed so hard, love them...
We did so many other things.... thanks to both of our families for putting up with us- we love you guys
