Thursday, June 11, 2009

Will practice make perfect?!

So I meant to post these pictures FOREVER ago- like right after we took them- but it slipped my mind! These were taken probably like 6 or so months ago- I'm not really sure- I think Molly is 3 months old in them and she will be a year in Sept. (my math is probably WAY off)- anyhow- story behind the pictures.....whenever we were with the Flanagans, Collin ALWAYS wanted to either be by Molly or wanting to hold her. He was so cute with her and really tender. It was just the cutest thing- luckily Jena was able to catch a few shots-

sure Molly doesn't looked too thrilled at being held by Collin- but he sure loved holding her! Hopefully he'll keep up this love of babies for a bit longer because come January.........

Cute Mommy Graphics and Layouts

I am currently 10 1/2 weeks. -Due January 5th (Jonathan's b-day) Feeling pretty crappy- but glad the the yucky feeling will soon be gone in a couple more weeks! We are really excited- especially Samantha- who for awhile was constantly talking baby talk to my stomach- and patting it and saying "oh what a cute baby spot" sheesh. She really wants a baby sister and every night in her prayers she prays to help the baby that SHE will grow big and strong. - but I am sure if it is a boy she will be happy with him as well- and hopefully like I said before- hopefully Collin will be just as baby lovin' when our baby comes home and with all his practice holding Molly- he will be the best big brother!


josh and stef said...

Congrats!! I hope you feel better soon! Kylie is a January baby and even though you have the WHOLE hot summer, it's not bad because you're not huge yet! Keep us posted !

Angela and Dave said...

Congtrats again! Collin is so handsome!

Sara said...

i'm soooo excited for you guys! :)

just wish you weren't moving .... :(

Joan said...

Congrats, Berlee!! Another lucky kid gets to have you for a mom.

SummerV said...

Congratulations! I hope you get feeling better soon.

Amy Jenks said...

Woohoo!! Very cute way to introduce the new little one!

Earl & Girls said...

Exciting. Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better soon.

Jena said...

I love those pictures! He is going to be such a fabulous, cool, fun big brother! I can't wait to meet your little one. You can be sure of me taking a little trip to come and visit! By the way, I need your Ohio address. Have fun with your fam! Tell your mom hi for me.

John, Jess, Ellie, Cade, Eden & Scarlett said...

Congratulations! How exciting, but I'm sure it's difficult getting ready to move when you're not feeling well! I hope you feel better soon.

Our Little Family said...

That is such a cute way with the pictures of Collin. So sweet! My guess is Ryan and Kat have a boy and you have a girl. Well see, do you know when you find out what it is? Congrats again we are sure excited for another trio although they don't ever see each other.

Our Little Family said...

Oh p.s. I forgot to tell you this, sometimes I think my husband has the mind of a little boy. He didn't know the whole clan was going to see you guys he thought it was just your mom and Steph so he said the other day... If they are all going to be there maybe we should just meet them in Ohio and hang out for a weekend. I laughed and said yeah that's just what Amberlee want's a bunch of people at her house when she is trying to move in and get settled! His response was "honey it's about being together!" Ha ha ha he kills me sometimes!

Brianne & Jarod said...

CONGRATS!!! That is so exciting news!! Hope you start feeling better soon :)

Our Little Family said...

Will let you settle in for now but it is only a 14 hour drive and we would totally drive to Cali from Utah so I am sure we will work a trip in sometime. The thing that sticks is I can't travel that far after october and then after I have my baby you can't so maybe we will see abut coming for spring break in March? Will see, if you really want us. Im excited we will be close enough we can visit every once in a while.

Melissa Moss said...

Congrats! That is way exciting! I hope you start feeling better! Good luck on the move!

The Wilkins' said...

Congratulations Amberlee! Another beautiful baby coming soon! :) I hope you feel better soon and you can pack up and move okay. Can't wait to hear what you are having!

Kaydee and the boys said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad cause you make some pretty dang cute kids!! DON'T EVER STOP!! :)

Natalie said...